4 steps to cope with stress
4 steps to cope with stress

Our 4 steps tuto­ri­als to cope with dif­fe­rent types of stress

Pro­grams to pre­vent and manage stress


Our pro­grams "4 steps to cope with stress" include sci­ence-based pre­mium tuto­ri­als that you can do in self-help at home. The lear­ning pro­grams serve to pre­vent and manage all kinds of stress so that you can get a bet­ter grip on topics such as aggres­sion, jea­lousy, sexual dis­or­ders, pro­cras­ti­na­tion, depres­sion and others. We have cho­sen the term "stress" in this con­text because all pro­blem areas tre­a­ted have simi­lar basic mecha­nisms that must first be under­stood and wor­ked on. All sym­ptoms are rela­ted to the way we deal with stress. From a psy­cho­lo­gi­cal point of view, stress is the pres­sure of expec­ta­ti­ons. And that's exactly the pres­sure of expec­ta­tion you're always expo­sed to when you're suf­fe­ring from the dif­fi­cul­ties lis­ted below.

The exer­ci­ses can also con­tri­bute to self-moti­va­tion at the begin­ning by coun­ter­ac­ting exces­sive depen­den­cies on experts - but can­not replace them in the case of more serious pro­blems or men­tal dis­or­ders. You learn to do some­thing for your­self again and that's posi­tive.

The pro­grams can also be car­ried out together with a part­ner. This can incre­ase the lear­ning effect.

But it should also be poin­ted out that this offer is by no means just rely­ing on "tips" or "advice" , but is a deman­ding instru­ment that requi­res time and effort. In the end it's like sports - the trai­ning is use­ful to me as long as I do it con­ti­nuously and main­tain it over a lon­ger period of time.

This is also how our lear­ning pro­grams unfold their effect: through regu­lar use and prac­tice, you will soon feel pro­gress, which in turn will moti­vate you to con­ti­nue.

Have fun; the team at bera­tung-the­ra­pie.de wis­hes you the best!


Note: The app­li­ca­tion of the lear­ning pro­grams offe­red here is scien­ti­fi­cally based, but can under no cir­cum­stan­ces replace a medi­cal eva­lua­tion of a pos­si­ble men­tal dis­or­der or its dia­gno­sis.


Overcome depression in 4 steps

The exercise module offered for download serves to overcome depressive moods and depression with the help of a logically structured step-by-step learning program and to deal with it better. The first three steps describe the general content of the tutorial and are a prerequisite for step 4, where the topic "depression" is dealt with specifically.

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Overcome chronic stress and burnout in 4 steps

The exercise module offered for download serves to overcome chronic stress and burnout with the help of a logically structured step-by-step learning program and to deal with it better. The first three steps describe the general content of the learning program and are a prerequisite for step 4, where the topic "stress and burnout" is dealt with in particular.

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Overcome low self-esteem and insecurity in 4 steps

The exercise module offered for download serves to reduce and overcome insecurity and low seilf-esteem. The tutorial is logically structured in individual steps. The first three steps describe the general content of the learning program and are a prerequisite for step 4, where the topic of "low self-esteem" is dealt with specifically.

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Overcome addiction and addictive behaviour in 4 steps

The exercise module offered for download serves to reduce and overcome addiction and addictive behaviour. The tutorial is logically structured in individual steps. The first three steps describe the general content of the learning program and are a prerequisite for step 4, where the topic of "addiction" is dealt with specifically.

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Dipl.-Psych. Volker Drewes
beratung-therapie.de wird beraten durch Dipl.-Psych. Volker Drewes
Psychotherapie-Anfrage Berlin
Therapieplatz-Anfrage: 030/236 386 07

Dipl.-Psych. Volker Drewes
Kollwitzstr. 41
10405 Berlin


Über www.beratung-therapie.de

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