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Self-help for mild to mode­rate depres­sion in 4 steps

How to cope with depres­sion and depres­sive moods - a lear­ning pro­gram


Here is the order page

Pre­mium tuto­rial for mild to mode­rate depres­sion and depres­sed mood to dow­n­load

23 pages / 13 exer­cise sheets - EUR 27,00 - USD 28,00 - GBP 23,00

We pro­vide a 60 day money-back gua­ran­tee.


Dear user,


This pro­gram was cre­a­ted on the basis of scien­ti­fic prin­cip­les. It ena­bles you to do some­thing about the indi­vi­dual pro­blems your­self by actively wor­king through the text and using the exer­ci­ses pro­vi­ded. So it will take you some time and effort to get results. The advan­tage is obvious: You don't rely on super­fi­cial "tips" or gui­de­books, but rat­her take respon­si­bi­lity for the issues you want to improve on.


4 steps to cope with mild to moderate depression - a tutorial


The tuto­rial pre­sen­ted for dow­n­load ser­ves to treat depres­sive moods and pre­vent from mild to mode­rate depres­sion with the help of a logi­cally struc­tu­red, step-by-step lear­ning pro­gram. The first three steps des­cribe the gene­ral con­tents of the lear­ning pro­gram and are a pre­re­qui­site for step 4, where the topic "depres­sion" and "dejec­tion" is dealt with in par­ti­cu­lar.

Note: The app­li­ca­tion of the lear­ning pro­gram offe­red here is scien­ti­fi­cally based, but in no way can it replace a medi­cal eva­lua­tion of a pos­si­ble depres­sive dis­or­der or its dia­gno­sis.


Symptoms - Feeling depressed


Dejec­tion shows itself in dif­fe­rent forms. The form of despon­dency dis­cus­sed here is cal­led depres­sive mood.

With this form of depres­sion you will find the fol­lo­wing cha­rac­te­ri­stics on the men­tal level:

  • They have a gene­ral ten­dency towards nega­tive reviews
  • You have a nega­tive view of life and the future

On the emo­ti­o­nal level you can iden­tify the fol­lo­wing cha­rac­te­ri­stics:

  • Their despon­dency con­tains ele­ments of sad­ness, anger, fear, guilt, despair, and hope­less­ness

Cha­rac­te­ri­stics at the beha­vi­oral level are the fol­lo­wing:

  • They behave pas­si­vely and are apa­the­tic
  • They show little inte­rest in the world around them and become with­drawn.
  • They put off work or don't do it at all

On the phy­si­cal level, the fol­lo­wing sym­ptoms can be iden­ti­fied:

  • You suf­fer from a lack of energy
  • sleep dis­tur­ban­ces are com­mon
  • You have trou­ble get­ting up
  • You suf­fer from a loss of appe­tite
  • You often have head­a­ches
  • They suf­fer from low sexual inte­rest



There is often a spe­ci­fic rea­son for the depres­sion: e.g. losing a job, break-ups, dis­ap­point­ments, or a num­ber of smal­ler things that are per­cei­ved as dis­tres­sing. It is not the events that lead to depres­sion, but one's own dif­fi­cul­ties in dealing with the events appro­pri­a­tely.


The cycle of depression


It is import­ant to reco­gnize that the way you think and act, how you feel and how you feel phy­si­cally influ­ence each other. The form of depres­sion pre­sen­ted here is a resul­tant vicious circle:

  • Your nega­tive thin­king trig­gers dis­tres­sing fee­lings.
  • These dis­tres­sing fee­lings lead to pas­si­vity and a loss of inte­rest in the world around you.
  • Your pas­si­vity and lack of inte­rest trig­gers more nega­tive thoughts and dis­tres­sing fee­lings in you.

Here is the order page

Pre­mium tuto­rial for mild to mode­rate depres­sion and depres­sed mood to dow­n­load

23 pages / 13 exer­cise sheets - EUR 27,00 - USD 28,00 - GBP 23,00

We pro­vide a 60 day money-back gua­ran­tee.

Dipl.-Psych. Volker Drewes
beratung-therapie.de wird beraten durch Dipl.-Psych. Volker Drewes
Psychotherapie-Anfrage Berlin
Therapieplatz-Anfrage: 030/236 386 07

Dipl.-Psych. Volker Drewes
Kollwitzstr. 41
10405 Berlin


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