4 steps to cope with low self-esteem - 4 steps to cope with stress | beratung-therapie.de
4 steps to cope with stress » 4 steps to cope with low self-esteem

Over­come inse­cu­rity and low self-esteem in 4 steps

A lear­ning pro­gram


The exer­cise module offe­red for dow­n­load ser­ves to reduce your own self-uncer­tainty, to make more cou­ra­geous con­tact with other peo­ple and to bet­ter with­stand con­flicts in rela­ti­on­ships. With the help of a lear­ning pro­gram logi­cally struc­tu­red in indi­vi­dual steps, you will work out the gene­ral requi­re­ments for redu­cing your self-uncer­tainty in the first three steps. These are a pre­re­qui­site for step 4, where the topic of "self-uncer­tainty" is dealt with spe­ci­fi­cally.

This pro­gram was cre­a­ted on the basis of scien­ti­fic prin­cip­les. It allows you to do some­thing about each of the pro­blems your­self by actively wor­king through the text and using the exer­ci­ses pro­vi­ded.

So you will need some time and effort to get results. The advan­tage is obvious: you do not rely on super­fi­cial "tips" or advice lite­ra­ture, but take per­so­nal respon­si­bi­lity with regard to the issues where you want to achieve impro­ve­ment..


Here is the order page

Pre­mium tuto­rial to cope with inse­cu­rity and low self-esteem - Dow­n­load

23 pages / 16 exer­cise sheets - EUR 27,00 - USD 28,00 - GBP 23,00

We pro­vide a 60 day money-back gua­ran­tee.


The Insecurity Hierarchy


As part of our exer­cise pro­gram, you will be given, among other things, the task of for­ming a per­so­nal self-uncer­tainty hier­a­r­chy from the fol­lo­wing situa­ti­ons. In doing so, you put the situa­ti­ons where you feel most self-inse­cure at the top of the list. You can also add as many situa­ti­ons from your eve­r­y­day life to this hier­a­r­chy.

  • I (you go) go alone to a cafe or restau­rant.
  • I try to join in a con­ver­sa­tion ( wor­ding) with a small group of acquain­tan­ces.
  • I try to engage in con­ver­sa­tion with a stran­ger at a party.
  • You need to return a pro­duct in a store.
  • You ask your boss for a raise or a spe­cial bonus.
  • You need to speak in front of a large group.
  • You have to get up in the middle of a movie to go to the bathroom.
  • You ask to use the restroom in a restau­rant.
  • You are asked to com­plain about your dish in a restau­rant.
  • Cri­ti­cize a col­league, etc.

At least try to per­form a situa­tion of level 3 to 4 (that is, the situa­tion that you your­self have put in the 3rd or 4th place from the above exam­ple) of the self-uncer­tainty hier­a­r­chy.


Here is the order page

Pre­mium tuto­rial to cope with inse­cu­rity and low self-esteem - Dow­n­load

23 pages / 16 exer­cise sheets - EUR 27,00 - USD 28,00 - GBP 23,00

We pro­vide a 60 day money-back gua­ran­tee.

Dipl.-Psych. Volker Drewes
beratung-therapie.de wird beraten durch Dipl.-Psych. Volker Drewes
Psychotherapie-Anfrage Berlin
Therapieplatz-Anfrage: 030/236 386 07

Dipl.-Psych. Volker Drewes
Kollwitzstr. 41
10405 Berlin


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